This episode is part of my Folklore Friday series where I am sharing a folklore story every Friday in 2024.

A Tale of How a Canyon is named after a Giantess

Kolugljúfur Canyon gets its name from the legendary giantess Kola, who made her home on a ledge within the gorge. According to local folklore, Kola was quite resourceful, often catching salmon straight from the river with her bare hands for breakfast.

On occasion, she would cook her catch in the Koluketill Kettle, a nearby natural hot spring, to enjoy a warm meal later in the day. Kola’s connection to this place was deeply practical—she appreciated the abundant salmon and the convenient hot spring rather than the scenic beauty that draws visitors today.

Random Fact of the Episode

Kolugljúfur Canyon, located in the north of Iceland, is a hidden gem that showcases the raw beauty of Icelandic nature. This stunning canyon, approximately one kilometer long and up to 50 meters deep, was carved out by the Víðidalsá River over millennia. It is home to the spectacular Kolufossar Waterfalls, a series of cascades that tumble through the gorge, creating a breathtaking natural spectacle.

Despite its beauty, Kolugljúfur remains off the beaten path, offering visitors a peaceful and uncrowded experience. Two main hiking trails allow for exploration of the canyon’s depths or a more leisurely stroll along the rim, providing stunning views at every turn. The area is also rich in birdlife and other fauna, adding to its appeal as a destination for nature enthusiasts.

Drive Yourself Around Iceland

Go Car Rental Iceland is a local Icelandic car rental company that has great customer service, a large variety of cars and very competitive prices. Use my code Iceland10 to save 10% off the entire cost of your rental car.

I personally use them for when I go on adventures, and I’m so glad to hear that many of my listeners and subscribers are also having a great experience with them. I mentioned in a previous episode that one of my listeners switched to Go Car Rental Iceland from one of the internationally known rental car companies here and she saved $400! That was for a rental during the summer when prices can sometimes double due to demand.

If you plan to use a campervan, use my code Iceland7 to save 7% and get two free duvets with your GO Camper van rental. Also, I have a great episode coming up soon about how to choose the right camper van for your travels in Iceland, so keep an eye out for that.

Icelandic Word of the Episode

Kolugljúfur is broken down into two words. Kola is the name of the giantess and means coal. While gljúfur means canyon.

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About the Author
Jewells is a native New Yorker that fell in love with an Icelander and now lives in one of the most fascinating countries in the world. As the host of the All Things Iceland podcast, she shares about Icelandic culture, history, language and nature. When she is not making podcast episodes or YouTube videos, you can find her attempting to speak in Icelandic, hiking up mountains, reading books and spending time with her family.

1 comment on “An Icelandic Canyon Named After a Giantess – Folklore Friday

  1. Danielle Chambers says:

    Hi 👋🏾, Jewells. I enjoyed your tale
    about the lady 🤣fun informative

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