Travel Tips

Jón Gnarr on Being a Political Tourist & Spreading Empathy in Iceland:Part 3 – Ep.22

This is the 3rd and final part of my interview with Jón Gnarr, Iceland’s funniest and most famous Mayor. If you haven’t listened to part 1 and part 2 of this interview, I recommend that you do because Jón dives deep into why he ran for political office, Taosim, his experience as the Mayor and…

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Icelandic Holidays, Celebrations & Traditions – Ep.23

Because the holiday season is right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to share the list of Icelandic holidays and traditions they celebrate throughout the year. Some of the traditions might sound the same or similar to some of your traditions while others might be completely new to you.

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Iceland's 13 Yule Lads: Ep.24 – All Things Iceland Podcast

In the last episode, I went over Iceland’s noteworthy traditions, holidays and celebrations. I recommend checking it out, if you haven’t already. This week, I am expanding on the Christmas holiday celebrations that I spoke about in that episode. While most countries that celebrate Christmas only have one Santa that comes to town, Iceland somehow…

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10 Popular Icelandic Foods to Try While Visiting – Ep. 25

This episode might be short but it gives you a good overview of Icelandic foods to try while in Iceland. Before I jump into this list, I have to inform you that I have been a plant based eater, usually referred to as vegan, for the last five years. However, I did taste all of…

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16 Christmas Activities to Do While Visiting Iceland – Ep. 31

Christmas in Iceland is a lovely time. Everyone is merry and there are lots of fun events happening. I purposefully decided not to include Christmas activities that not holiday related on this list. You won’t hear me say, hunt for Northern Lights, go on a Glacier Walk, ride an Icelandic horse and so on  during…

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How to Ring in The New Year Icelandic Style – Ep. 32

Now that some of the major Christmas events are over, Icelandic people are gearing up for the New Year. While I did talk about how amazing it is to celebrate the New Year in Iceland in episode 23, which is all about Icelandic Holidays, Traditions and Celebrations and episode 31, “16 Christmas Activities to in…

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Akureyri: The Capital of Northern Iceland – Ep. 37

Akureyri, also known as the capital of the north in Iceland, is the fourth largest municipality in Iceland. Reykjavík, Hafnarfjörður and Kopavogur are larger. This town of about 18,500 people is small in comparison to Reykjavík, but it is bustling with life.

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Game of Thrones: Where Scenes Were Filmed in Iceland – Ep. 38

In anticipation of the season 8 premiere for Game of Thrones on April 14th, I have decided to dedicate this episode to sharing the location of where the scenes for the show were filmed in Iceland. I am also including film locations that have been confirmed for the upcoming season. Even if you are not…

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Icelandic Real Estate: Buying & Renting Homes in Reykjavík – Ep. 39

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Diðrik Stefánsson, a realtor in Reykjavík, to talk about the real estate market in Iceland. His nickname is Diddi and that is how I refer to him during the interview. This topic fascinates me for many reasons. The main one is that there is a lot of…

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6 Reasons Why Iceland is Popular – Part 1 – EP3

Iceland is popular now but before 2010, hardly anyone came to see this spectacular place. It is fascinating now that you can’t  find a “must-see” destination list without this amazing country being featured. While there are many reasons why this small, island nation located in the Atlantic ocean is so popular, I am sharing my…

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