This episode is part of my Folklore Friday series where I am sharing a folklore story every Friday in 2024.

Who is Hallbera the Icelandic Ghost?

There is an old Icelandic folklore tale about a ghost named Hallbera. It is said that she resides in the Scouts Cabin. She specifically occupies one of the bunks.

Hallbera is known for her mischievous nature, playing pranks on those who sleep in one of the bunks. She might push the unfortunate sleeper onto the floor or give them unsettling dreams. Any strange occurrences in the cabin are often attributed to her. Legend has it that Hallbera once lived on the land where the cabin was built. When construction began, she was forced to leave, vowing to return and haunt the place forever.

The house that Hallbera haunts is part of the Árbær Open Air Museum in the greater Reykjavík area.

Random Fact of the Episode

The Árbær Open Air Museum vividly depicts the small-town life and environment of Reykjavík in the 19th and 20th centuries. During the summer, museum staff can be seen dressed in period clothing, actively participating in events and exhibitions that bring Reykjavík’s history to life.

Icelandic Word of the Episode

Skátarnir – the scouts

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About the Author
Jewells is a native New Yorker that fell in love with an Icelander and now lives in one of the most fascinating countries in the world. As the host of the All Things Iceland podcast, she shares about Icelandic culture, history, language and nature. When she is not making podcast episodes or YouTube videos, you can find her attempting to speak in Icelandic, hiking up mountains, reading books and spending time with her family.

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